Sunday, May 25, 2008

Os banheiros mais pior do mundo!

When I moved to Austin and had to stop in every gas station between Southern California and Cowboy Texas I vowed that I would never use a public restroom again due to the conditions of those said "bathrooms". I have found a new level of hell here in Brazil. Since in most bathrooms in all of Latin America you can´t flush the toilet paper down the toilet because the system will clog (remeber this if you ever travel there outside of a resort area) there is a wastebasket for the collection of toilet paper that inevitably accumulates. That along with the lack codes (oh, the beauty of living in clean California!)...turns the bathrooms here into cesspools, dreaded places where you hope you can hold your breath long enough to survive and where you hope the pull cord (yes, pull cord) and the lock are clean, obvious, and functioning. I have mastered the hover. Worst bathrooms ever!

1 comment:

john said...

Having used many public bathrooms in my life, I can sympathize with your plight. Other than that, it sounds like you're having an interesting time. Hope that's true. I've decided to go with the Sansa "View" 16g Mp3 player. Let me know if you know anything about it. Love you.....John