Tuesday, June 17, 2008

My own slice of paradise

Dear friends and family,

I regret to inform you that I will never be leaving Brazil; I have arrived in perfection. If you have any urgent news, please come to Morro de São Paulo in Bahia, Brazil. It´s quite easy, actually. A quick 10-hour flight from Miami or NYC to São Paulo, then a short flight to Salvador. Take a cab or bus from the airport to the ferry in downtown Salvador, a 40-minute ferry to Valência. I can call Roque the taxi driver to pick you up from there to take you to the second small boat to get to Morro. Once you arrive, you´ll never want to leave, so just buy a one-way ticket and we can spend the rest of our lives together in paradise.

With much love and no remorse,

This is the zipline from the top of the hill that leads down to the primeira praia (1st beach--there are four!). I haven´t yet done it, but I´m going back next weekend so I´ll have more pictures for you.
I was still innocent here, not knowing that I would say goodbye to all I´ve known before to stay forever in Morro. I still look pretty relaxed though, huh?
Seven of us decided to stay an extra day, and we make a good group. This is one the segunda praia, where you can get a cheap beer and sandwich, some açai, buy a necklace or two (I bought two), and pretend the rest of the world doesn´t exist.
As gatinhas out at a seafood restaurant: Angélica, Lucero, and me.
I´ve found a new friend, one of the many stray dogs that are just looking for a little company, I guess. Maybe he was interested in my reading, too.Oi, Brasil! Estou apaixionada!


Anonymous said...

It looks beautiful!

The sky, the water...I don't blame you for never wanting to leave!

Anonymous said...

So jealous!