Thursday, May 15, 2008

Chomping at the bit

S l o w l y counting down the days...5 4 3 2 1...until I leave. In the meantime, I'm busy saying goodbye:

to the friends who I've made and who are leaving

to the next era of my life, and the first of this city, that has ended; it happened so fast; 9 months and 1 era done? I guess I'm keeping busy; it's been hard

a bit to Austin, not the hot summer and not the giant insects, but yes to this new and temporary home

And it all begins again, putting my stuff in storage,
becoming restless and nomadic, homeless in the least pejorative way (or perhaps the most). Restless and nomadic? Bored and unstable? I'll let you know another day.

Still chomping...

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