Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Dois Irmãos

On July 14, I will hopefully begin volunteering at an NGO: non-government organization (ONG: organização não governo) called Dois Irmãos or Two Brothers located in the heart of Brazil: Rio de Janeiro. If you click on the image, you can go to their website for more info.

I worked with one of the organizers, Paul Sneed, and his wife Jeyla dos Reis, at San Diego State University during my initial Portuguese classes, and am excited to lend a hand to their organization. I will hopefully be renting a room/apartment with a friend of mine from Austin who will also be traveling to Rio during the summer. Or I'll have a chance to live in the favela (Brazilian "ghetto") with other volunteers if I choose. Rocinha, the favela where i2i is situated, is the largest and most established favela in Rio, if not in all of Brazil. It's the first (and only?) favela to actually have a bus line that runs through it, so it's at least partially recognized by the government. While there, I may be teaching English or Spanish, or maybe computer skills. The ONG offers educational opportunities to kids who otherwise might not have them due to poverty.

More details later.

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