Monday, May 26, 2008


Because Salvador´s population is predominantly negro yet the wealth belongs to those of European descent (sounds familiar, huh?), many organizations have been started that empower the negro population here, one of which is Didá, led by Negrinho and Vivian. This group gives to young black girls a skill--music, mainly drums--that allows them to find renewed self-esteem, control over their lives, and an alternatives to the drugs and prostitution that run rampant in the poorer neighborhoods in Salvador. Through our school we had a chance to visit the organization and listen to an amazing talk by Vivian, and then Neginho led the girls through the streets of the Pelourinho neighborhood. The place came alive. Everyone followed them through the maze of streets, pulled by the heavy beat of the drums and the huge grins on the girls´ faces.

(PS: I´m trying to get more pictures up here, but there are numerous technical difficulties and SLOW connections since I´m working at Internet cafes. More to come...)


Anonymous said...

Looks incredible! How's the food?

Anonymous said...

Looks incredible! How's the food?

Anonymous said...

I'ma gonna speaka real slowly so you can understand this chicagoland language (similar to portugese) you, miss you, hoping for you to have a great adventure (but be careful). Auntie "Garbageman"

Anonymous said...

Your blog is great, putting it in my favorites so I can read up on your adventures!

Anna said...

Yeah for all the comments! Food is good and EVERYWHERE! On every corner, little fried things filled with meat. Lots of meat. I´m going to need a very big salad when I get back. But I get homemade juice every morning made from fresh tropical fruits: maracuja, acerola, and some I don´t have any idea what the names are.