Saturday, May 10, 2008


Hey, isn't it fun that I can make everything in Portuguese? Except now no one knows how to do anything.

To post comments:
  1. click on "_ comentários" at the end of the post. A new window will open up.
  2. "Faça um comentário" means "Post a comment". Type something in the window. Hopefully something pleasant and loving, but whatever's on your mind, I guess.
  3. Choose your identity. If you have a blog you can use your blog name. Since most of you don't (or you might and I don't know about it??) then click on "Open ID" and you can type in a name. If you want to say something mean then you can use an anonymous ID, but I'll eventually find out who you are...I have my sources.
  4. If you want to see your comment before you publish it, click on "Visualizar". When you're ready to take the plunge and make it official, click on "Publicar Comentário". Your comment will be linked to the post for all to see.
  5. If you have something more private to say, just email me.
  6. If you're nosy and want to read the comments, click on the same "_ comentários" link.

To subscribe to the blog so you're kept up to the second! on all the exciting things happening
  1. go to the end of the page and click on "Postagens (Atom)" next to Assinar. I don't really know what that means.
  2. But then you can choose how you receive notice that something has happened. Never done this before.
  3. Maybe someone can comment (see above) on what this all does.

Até logo!


Anna said...

Like this! It's so EASY!

Melanie said...

So, you gave me a month to reach you by phone and that month got away from me. (A MONTH. How did that happen?) So you see, I'm thrilled that you've created this here blog so I can keep up with your adventures in Brazil! Safe travels tomorrow. xoxo ~Melanie

sandy said...

I don't know if your friends want to know that your mother is reading your blog, but my daughter is going to Brazil and that's SO cool!!!

Be safe, Honey. Love, Mom

Anna said...

Of course I want them to know! You have to brag for me when I'm gone :)